Open Field Trial winner Riot, is out of George by Logan. Riot is hereditary clear of PRA Cord 1 and Fucosidosis, certified clear of MRD. Hipscore 1/1 and Elbows 0.

Novice Field Trial winner held in Tasmania on Brown Quail, Rabbits and Hare.

Both Bonnie and Solo are bred back to Trioaks Archie, a very powerful hunting dog Patrick imported from UK.

As well as winning the 1995 National Championship “Spinner” won the 1999 Victorian State Championship and six open field trials during her career.
“Sophie”, Patrick’s first dog in Australia won the 1991 Victorian State Championships and five open field trials. Both Spinner and Sophie were very biddable, hard hunting and natural retrievers. They both remain in Patrick’s Rosstulla lines today.